Wheel of Awareness

This is a picture of "The Wheel of Awareness." The rim holds all the points of whatever we can become aware of, or that which we already know, while the hub symbolizes the experience of awareness itself, or knowing. To direct our attention to a particular location on the rim, we can send a spoke out to the rim. As we distinguish between rim-elements and hub-awareness and connect them to our attentional focus, the wheel of awareness therefore becomes a visual representation of the integration of consciousness.

Wheel of Awareness by Dr. Dan Siegel

Wheel of Awareness and the Plane of Possibility

An advanced version of the Wheel of Awareness connecting to and explaining the Plane of Possibility framework. Dan highly recommends this version AFTER completing part 2 of Aware: The Science and Practice of Presence.

Full-Length Wheel of Awareness (30 minutes)

In this 30 minute full-length wheel of awareness practice, the basic elements are included and in addition two expanded reflective elements are added: 1) Awareness of awareness with the bending of the spoke of attention back towards the hub of knowing; 2) During the fourth segment focus on our sense of connectedness, the research-proven statements of positive intentions and kindness are offered to promote self, other and “MWe” directed compassion.

Basic Wheel of Awareness - (20 minutes)

In this 20 minute basic wheel of awareness, you will be guided through the basic experience of the metaphor of the wheel to illuminate the nature of consciousness and its differentiated parts including the hub of knowing, the rim of the known, and the spoke of attention. This basic version does not include the hub-on-hub bending of the spoke or the kind intention statements that are a part of the full-length version of the wheel.

Consolidated Wheel of Awareness (7 minutes)

This is a practice that should only be done after mastering the basic and full-length practices. This is offered by popular request for those familiar with the Wheel to have a more expedited experience available for their busy lives! In this 7 minute wheel of awareness practice, the breath becomes a pacer for the movement of the spoke of attention around the rim. Let the breath be your focus for the first half-minute of silence at the beginning of this recording. Some people find it helpful when on the third segment of the rim to count the number of breaths by pressing on the fingers of one hand to reach five for each of the first parts of that segment, and to a count of ten for the “awareness of awareness” portion as well. When this becomes familiar to you, you can use your own timing to experience this consolidated practice without listening to an external voice.

Wheel of Awareness Digital Seminar

Wheel of Awareness Practice: Reduce Stress, Improve Functioning, Slow the Aging Process, and More

In this workshop recording, interpersonal neurobiology expert Daniel Siegel will explore how advances across a range of disciplines—including brain science, psychiatry, attachment theory, quantum physics, and spirituality, to name just a few—have expanded our conception of consciousness, and what this means for the practice of psychotherapy.

Wheel orfAwareness Digital Seminar

Then he’ll guide you through his revolutionary Wheel of Awareness exercise. The Wheel can be used to reduce stress, improve cardiovascular and immune system functioning, and slow the aging process. It incorporates the three pillars of mental training: focused attention, open awareness, and kind intention. This session will demonstrate how to incorporate it into therapy to cultivate more meaning and connection in clients’ lives.